Glucose in the blood is necessary for our body to function properly. It is needed by both men and women. Its entry into brain neurons and red blood cells is important.
Glucose is consumed in the body by bypassing the insulin pathway to:
- protection of red blood cells and neurons from the effects of reactive oxygen species (ROS);
- keeping iron in erythrocytes in the form necessary for metabolism;
- conservation of energy exchange;
- ATP production for neurons;
- synthesis of biologically active substances (neurotransmitters).
Transport of glucose to other cells is mediated by the pancreatic hormone insulin. Its absence in diabetes mellitus causes a lack of glucose in the cells and its excess in the blood.
The cells of the adrenal glands and gonads are involved in the synthesis of steroid hormones. For these purposes they use glucose.
The liver synthesizes fatty acids, cholesterol and activates vitamin D in the human body. It performs all these functions thanks to glycolysis.
During hunger and muscle work, glycogen synthesis processes are activated.
What is the normal blood sugar level?
Glycemia is the level of sugar in the blood. Normal values of this indicator are provided by the balance of the processes of transport, use, formation and entry of glucose into the blood. The state of balance is maintained by hormones. Among them are:
- hypoglycemic (insulin);
- hyperglycemic (glucocorticosteroids, adrenaline, norepinephrine, glucagon).
Blood glucose standards range from 3. 3 to 5. 5 mmol/l; according to some sources, the reference limit has been moved to 6. 6. The calculated values for venous blood are slightly higher than for capillary indicators.
How is low blood sugar manifested?
The reason for this condition is the increased need of cells for glucose, as a result of which the processes of ATP production are disrupted.
Causes of these disorders include:
- hyperproduction of insulin in tumors (insulinoma);
- wrongly administered dose of insulin for diabetes mellitus;
- adrenal insufficiency caused by hyperglycemic hormone deficiency;
- stopping the flow of sugars from the intestines;
- liver pathologies;
- hereditary diseases resulting in reduced glucose production;
- alcohol addiction;
- lack of vitamins (biotin) involved in glucose metabolism;
- disorders of the central nervous system.
A decrease in the level of glucose coming from the intestines can be associated with absorption pathology (for example, enteritis) and food hunger caused by the lack of this element. This condition is called nutritional hypoglycemia.
Low blood glucose levels lead to nutritional deficiency of red blood cells and brain neurons, which is characterized by the following symptoms:
- pale skin;
- rapid breathing and heartbeat;
- hunger;
- sweating, chills;
- dizziness;
- faint.
In such situations, help should be provided immediately. Blood glucose levels rise with a sweet or an injection of a drug. Lack of help can lead to coma and death.
How does high blood sugar appear?
Hyperglycemia is considered to be an increase in blood sugar more than 5. 5 mmol/l. This process is due to the decrease in the demand of the cells and the increase in the production of glucose. The reasons are:
- lack of insulin in diabetes mellitus, pancreatic necrosis;
- hyperproduction of hormones in acromegaly - somatotropic, thyrotoxicosis - iodothyronine, Itsenko-Cushing's disease - glucocorticosteroids;
- kidney failure and filtration impairment;
- overeating and excessive sugar intake;
- exercise stress;
- pain;
- stroke, brain tumor.
The most serious consequence of hyperglycemia is the development of hyperosmolar coma, caused by excessive levels of glucose in the blood, which draws too much fluid into the vessels. This type of coma is typical for people with diabetes mellitus complicated by kidney failure. Normally, healthy kidneys prevent blood sugar from rising above 9 mmol/L, reducing reabsorption and causing glycosuria.
With moderate hyperglycemia, the processes of pathological glycosylation of proteins and the formation of sorbitol are stimulated. This ingredient promotes the accumulation of fluids in the tissues and disrupts the functioning of the cells. Pathological glycosylation disrupts antibody function and causes hypoxia. By changing the antigenic properties of proteins, it can lead to the formation of autoimmune diseases.
The main clinical symptoms associated with high blood sugar are:
- visual impairment;
- nerve sensitivity disorder;
- the formation of kidney failure;
- trophic disorders in the tissues of the lower extremities;
- frequent urination;
- general weakness;
- strong thirst;
- slow regeneration of cuts and wounds.
Most of these signs characterize diabetes mellitus, a disease of endocrine etiology that is associated with impaired absorption of glucose due to the lack of the hormone insulin.
Predisposing factors for the development of this pathology include:
- genetic predisposition;
- excess weight;
- infections;
- taking stimulant medications.
If you identify some of the listed clinical signs and risk factors, you should make an appointment with an endocrinologist.
Laboratory tests: norms, blood sugar levels in men and women
Many methods and tests are used in the laboratory diagnosis of pathologies related to impaired sugar metabolism. This includes:
- glucose tolerance test;
- glycated hemoglobin;
- determination of fasting blood sugar levels;
- general analysis of urine;
- blood chemistry.
A tolerance test is performed in case of unclear diagnosis. If diabetes mellitus is diagnosed, then this test is not recommended. For the study, blood is taken on an empty stomach and then the level is assessed after drinking a sugar solution. Based on the data obtained, a sugar curve is formed, the levels of which return to normal within 2-3 hours. A reading above 11 mmol/l indicates possible abnormalities.
Glycated hemoglobin is used to monitor the dynamics of hyperglycemia in people with diabetes mellitus, to identify latent forms and to diagnose gestational diabetes mellitus in pregnant women. The rate is up to 6% of the total amount of hemoglobin.
The presence of sugar in a general urine test is directly influenced by the concentration of glucose in the blood. Its reabsorption is normally 1. 7 mmol per minute. The blood sugar level above which it appears in the urine is called the renal threshold. Its value is 8. 8 - 9. 9 mmol/l. Sugar appearing in the urine can indicate diabetes mellitus, but this is not the only reason. Glucosuria in some cases develops:
- in pregnant women with decreased reabsorption;
- with congenital or acquired abnormalities of the renal proximal tubules.
A normal level is considered to be up to 0. 8 mmol/l.
What medications can affect test results?
Medicines taken continuously can distort the results either up or down.
Increase performance:
- glucocorticosteroid hormones (hydrocortisone, prednisolone, budesonide, etc. );
- drugs for the treatment of psychiatric diseases;
- oral contraceptives prescribed for women;
- antihypertensive drugs;
- cough suppressants based on syrups.
Aspirin, aloe juice and quinine artificially lower blood sugar levels.
These studies also affect female sex hormones, so taking tests before menstruation should be postponed until after it ends.
Thus, glucose has a major impact on the performance of the entire body. To prevent diseases, especially in people with a hereditary predisposition to diabetes, it is necessary to determine the concentration of sugar in the blood at least once a year, or as part of a medical examination.